Daily Archives: September 13, 2007

Tech Crunch 40

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I’m travelling to SF this weekend in order to attend Tech Crunch 40.  Would love to meet any mobile companies in the area.  If you or your company is interested, I have some time on my calendar Wednesday, September 19th.  My contact info is on the About page or you can leave a comment here.

More over the weekend.

Tech Crunch 40

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I’m travelling to SF this weekend in order to attend Tech Crunch 40.  Would love to meet any mobile companies in the area.  If you or your company is interested, I have some time on my calendar Wednesday, September 19th.  My contact info is on the About page or you can leave a comment here.

More over the weekend.

Tech Crunch 40

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I’m travelling to SF this weekend in order to attend Tech Crunch 40.  Would love to meet any mobile companies in the area.  If you or your company is interested, I have some time on my calendar Wednesday, September 19th.  My contact info is on the About page or you can leave a comment here.

More over the weekend.